The Lumineers III: More Than Just an Album

13th of September marked the official release of The Lumineers' new album III. The Denver band hadn't released one since 2016 (Cleopatra) and so to say that III was rather anticipated would still be an understatement. 
If you too have taken a liking to the folk rock band, you'd be familar with their soulful vocals over dreamy melodic tunes; almost so cheery that it makes it difficult to not be automatically aware of the deep, often sad, stories that lie behind. 
III is absolutely no different from previous music like Ho Hey and Sleep on the Floor, as the album presents hauntingly insightful stories erupting feelings of poignance that contrasts beauifully over the captivating tunes and dancable beats. 

Then just as you think the album cannot blow us away any further, The Lumineers, partnering with director Kevin Phillips, have created dreamy (nightmarish) music videos to accommodate not only the songs, but the album itself. It becomes evidently clear just how much each of the songs intertwine with another and I cannot help but be amazed and thoroughly impressed by the thought that has gone into it. I am truly in awe.

The ten part video series corresponding with each song on the album follow three generations of the Sparks family as Kevin Phillips and The Lumineers explore mental health, alcohol abuse and the impact of childhood trauma that continues to come into play beyond childhood and, quite possibly, passed down generations like one's genes. 
The music videos effectively capture the meaning behind the lyrics through creative shots, thought-out cinematography and symbolism that adds to the storyline, whilst allowing room for your own interpretation. 

Wesley Schults, writer, vocalist and guitarist, has admitted that the inspiration behind Gloria, which became the foundation for the album, came from a close relative who in their forties, continues to suffer from alcohol addiction. 

The music vidoes come together as a short film and has even earnt itself a seat at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival. So whether you're a film fan or a music fan, The Lumineers have accommodated for both. 


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