Aren't We All Battling a Sin?

On my way to work today, as I zoned out through the train window because I had finished my book Will Grayson by John Green (which was actually quite good), and I had seen quite an overweight woman holding a bag of pizza rolls, I thought perhaps her biggest challenge, and the sin that obviously defines her life, is gluttony?

Now I did not mean this in a bad way at all. I wasn't being judgement, but lately I had been thinking that perhaps each one of us has one (or more) of the 7 deadly sins that is constantly testing and tempting us. And this woman I assume would be battling the deadly sin, gluttony. 

Everyone will at least at some point, have a personal encounter with at least one of the sins. It will lead us to do something bad, or set us off of our paths and make our lives generally so much harder and being generally happy difficult.

Okay, I'm getting a bit too far ahead now but what if the goal to our lives is to beat the 7 deadly sins? Overcome them and find happiness or perhaps enlightenment? And what if one of them; one in particular, challenges us the most?

Some people settle for lustful relationships because it gives them a sense of satisfaction for a moment, but in the end, they end up hurt. They do not end up where they want to be. They end up in the wrong relationships that may harm them and those around them. 

And then there are so many wealthy people who are greedy with their money and assets. They are constantly worrying about losing what they have and thereby not sharing and or helping others, that their real life not based on physical things, slips right past them. The life that is not defined by money.

Now I would say mine is envy. I have always been a jealous person. I want what other people have. I see lives I want as my own. And I often hope those people will fail, in order to feel better about myself. It's quite pathetic really. I am often more focused on other people's lives that I forget to appreciate my own. This is one of my biggest challenges that makes it hard for me to be happy.
But I know that. And I'm doing a lot better.

And I guess some sins make it more obvious for others to spot them; for instance gluttony. 

I was so deep in thought about this I actually considered writing a book with a similar concept, but with a story line. I thought perhaps I could write about angels and demons battling it out, where the demons tried to tempt the humans with the sins and the angels tried to keep them on the right path. But then I realized, what would the kind of person be like if they did succeed and overcome these obstacles? Because I sure as hell am not that person; so I put that idea down.

But if I do ever overcome the sins, I'll be sure to let you know what it's like on the other side. 


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