Nothing Fucking Matters

 What is the meaning of life?

Perhaps the most asked question and sought after answer. 

For centuries philosophers still have yet to find the truth. Honestly, I don't think we ever will. And everything about our society is merely a distraction from this reality. Consumerism. Social media. Family ideals. 

We spend so much time on our self-image and Instagram profiles, for what? For a like? To momentarily impress? To inflict jealousy? And okay, yeah, maybe some people stumble onto our uploads on their feed and look for a few seconds, wonder about our lives, but just as quickly as they scrolled onto it, they scroll away, and it becomes nothing but a distant memory. Actually, memory is too strong of a word. It won't even become that.
We spend so much time thinking about our social media personality and subconsciously assume that other people do too. But the truth is, people don't. They're too busy thinking about their own social medias. And those who do obsessively monitor your profiles do so for the wrong reasons; jealousy mostly. And does the world really need more of that?

We stay on top of fashion trends, frequently updating our wardrobe, for what? To keep large corporations alive? To satisfy our cravings for a measly day? For immediate gratification that is only short term?

Is being married, owning a house and having kids together really the absolute ideal life? Is that really what we are born to do? Is that the highest level of achievement any human can have? Or is it society's expectations? A scheme of capitalism? Work forever to support your children so that they can grow up and work forever? 

No-one thinks about you as much as you think. We think about ourselves more than we think about others. But that's okay. 

I look back at the moments in my life when I was faced with a tough decision. I obsessed over the potential outcomes. One would surely ruin my life, no? It was a test. There's a right and wrong answer and choosing the wrong one could be detrimental. 
I can't even recall those decisions anymore. They're long gone, far in the past. Did I choose wrong? Who knows, and quite frankly, who cares? Nothing fucking matters. It is what it is and it isn't what is isn't.

I realise that this post sounds extremely depressing but that was not my intention. I have just come to realise how much time is spent obsessing over things that in the scheme of things, doesn't fucking matter. We live our lives in perpetual worry, yet I can't remember half the things I was worried about yesterday. And that's what's amazing. 

Sure, embarrassment is a horrible feeling. So is anxiousness. Not to mention fear. But the world turns, things play out, and the circumstances pass. We get hurt and others hurt us, and before we know it, it doesn't even matter. They'll be nothing but distant memories and chances are, the people in those memories don't even remember anymore. The times we cherish the most with people was nothing but another Tuesday for them. The life-changing words people told us were but rambles they forgot the moment it came out of their mouth.

Nothing fucking matters. And it's liberating. 

The meaning of life is to make your own. Your answer is different from other people's answers. And that's okay. Figure out your meaning, and live as best as you can following it. Maybe you'll meet people along the way who share your philosophy. Maybe you'll make amazing memories together. Maybe you'll change their life. And then maybe you'll forget they ever existed. 

Only you have access to your memories. And I understand how sentimental we are of them, that we take pictures and excitedly share them to the online world hoping people will appreciate them as much as we do, but the truth is, they don't. They're just our memories to cherish. And that's okay. Make the best damn memories you can. Reflect on them occasionally like a private photo album. Do whatever the hell you want with your life because nothing fucking matters.  

I recently deleted my Instagram. A lot of time and effort went into maintaining it. I did particular things or activities with the prospect in mind of the photo I could get out of it. I wanted people to see how adventurous and funny I was. And then I realised, what does it matter if they know? Do they really care? Would I care? 

So, be respectful of the planet because it's the one thing we all have in common. Live as you want and let others do the same. Figure out your meaning of life, and abide by it or pursue it or follow it, whatever the hell it is. And think about what you want your private photo album to contain at the end of your life.
And then go make it happen. 


  1. I’m glad you are still writing! Much better sustenance than pics on Instagram. Hope the skating injuries don’t derail your travel van dream for too long. It will be exciting to see.

    1. Thank you so much James. Was a tough time but still writing, perhaps more so than ever :) And yes, I'm still working towards that dream!


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